2013년 1월 10일 목요일

World Mission Society Church Of God - Heavenly Family : Christ Ahnsahnghong, Heavenly Mother and their Children

In the Church of God there is a perfect family. We have father, mother and the children in the family. That is called perfect family. So, in WMSCOG, there is father, mother, brothers and sisters.

 First of all, there is father in heaven.

Heb 12:9 Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live!

 As we all know, the God in heaven is our God the Father. Just as we have a physical father on this earth, we have a spiritual Father in heaven.

 Things that are on the earth, they also exist in the heaven. In the Church of God, we call him God the Father, Christ Ahnsahnghong.

Who comes to think next when we imagine a family? Most people will think of a "mother." But before we consider "mother," we have to think about what kind of person can be called a "father." No one can be called as "father" unless he has children. No matter how old a man is, since he has had no children, is it possible for him to be called "father"? The name "father" is only used by children.

 Therefore, a family must have children as member of family.

2 Cor 6:18 “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”

 Here, we can find the words "sons" and "daughters." God's children, who call upon the God in heaven as "Father," must follow the will of the heavenly Father. In the Church of God, the children of the heavenly Father keep the Sabbath, the Passover, and all of the other truths, according to the will of the Father in heaven. World Mission Society Church of God follows the teachings of Christ Ahnsahnghong, and we are brothers and sisters.

We have found about the existence of God the Father, and His children, in the heavenly family. Then, who is left? It's Mother.

Gal 4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.

 In this verse we can find the words "our mother." "Our" refers to the children who believe in God. This verse reveals that there exists a heavenly Mother to the children who will be saved.

 So far, we've looked about which members compose a family, and we have confirmed that we have a spiritual family in heaven. Just as we have fathers, brothers, sisters, and mothers in our physical families, we have our spiritual Father, brothers, sisters, and spiritual Mother in our spiritual family. Therefore, we have to go to the place called zion, where God the Father, God the Mother, and all the truths are.

2013년 1월 2일 수요일

Living Elohim God in World Mission Society Church Of God

 Members of World Mission Society Church Of God believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother according to the words of prophecies written in the Bible.

 People tend to avoid the things that are not used to them, just like this, the plural images of god are not familiar but if we pay attention to the message of Church Of God, we can understand about the plural images of God: God the Father and God the Mother.

We, the members, were also not be able to understand but after learning the bible there is no doubt about it. This is because, John 10:27  "My sheep listen to my voice;  know them and they follow me." 

[Fragrance of Zion]

It’s been about eight years since I met Sister Catherine. When I used to attend a Protestant church, she always sat in front of me with her husband and four children during worship. She would often ask me to join her and some other women in reading the Bible together.

After receiving the true God, I really wanted to preach the truth to her because she liked reading the Bible. But when I preached the Word to her, she gave a cold response to my preaching. Then, as she got a job, she became so busy working and taking care of her four children that we could not even meet each other.

Three years passed by. My husband and I had been continuously praying for her soul, and one day I heard some news about her; she was moving back to Cape Town in South Africa, her hometown. I was worried that she might not have another chance to listen to the gospel, so I visited her.

You wanted to read the Bible with me a few years ago, right? This time I came because I wanted to read the Bible with you.”

From that day on, I visited her once every two weeks to deliver the words of the Bible to her. But she seemed unable to accept the words into her heart. Whenever I preached God’s word to her and left her house, I felt so heartbroken.

Then recently I saw how God’s word was changing a soul. When she studied the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, she was so shocked and amazed by the accurate fulfillment of the Biblical prophecies that she wanted to know more about the truth. She also asked me if there was the Church of God in Cape Town as well.

Yesterday I visited her again. She seemed very tired most likely because she was so busy preparing to move. However, when she studied the Bible, she didn’t look tired anymore. Thinking that I wouldn’t be able to meet her again, I felt so anxious. It was probably the first time that I had ever preached so eagerly and devotedly. I told her again about all the things that I had preached to her till then. Then she said: 

So, you mean Jesus has already come to this earth a second time?”

She even remembered what she had heard three years ago, and she wanted to receive the truth, saying, “From now on I’d like to do what is right in God’s eyes.”
I was surprised about how she still kept the words of God in her mind because I thought that she must have forgotten them. What was more surprising was that all the idols which had filled her bedroom and bathroom were gone; she must have thrown away all her idols. When I looked around her house, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I felt that Father and Mother had already opened her heart and prepared the way.

I’ll only do what is right in God’s eyes.”

She has received the truth, and now she is only concerned about how to live a life of faith properly. I truly want her to live a life of faith worthy in God’s eyes so that she will receive many blessings from God and enter the kingdom of heaven without fail.

* For extra information visit below websites: